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Smart IPTV on Samsung and LGHow set up OverBox m3u list on “SMART IPTV”

Please note: For the beginning, the App offers you a 7-day free trial. After the App expires, you can obtain it again via in-App microtransaction by donating a 5.49€  fee.

Start by downloading the Smart IPTV App from the store.

download smart IPTV

After installing the app , open the app and you see this  screen which included your TV mac address.

Navigate  to https://siptv.eu/mylist/ by an internet browser and :

1- enter your TV mac address in

2- Enter The m3u link you received from overbox in URL: section

3- active save online checkbox .

4- active captcha ( I am not robot )

5- Click Send

Turn off your TV and Turn it on again and open the SMART IPTV again (or press number 0 on remote control) , Done . You can see the channels now on your TV .
Attention : for activation after 7 days demo you must visit activation page and active  it forever .